» Not Sticky… so your grips or tools will not attract dirt
» No Odor… great for people who are allergic to odors
» No Residue… no white powder to get on clothes or tools, or grips
» Non Toxic… made with food grade ingredients
Because each endeavor has special drying needs, people want their hands drier, others want their feet drier! Our formulations are made for your needs!
Easy to use: *simply spray between your fingers or feet. Rub in until liquid is gone (about 20 sec) should get a very dry powdery feeling.
We are selling the concept that the Worlds Hands and Feet Sweat! And We, Make a Product to help control that annoying problem!
(Most of the Seven Billion People on Earth do not know there is a product like this)
A Soccer Player (for example) does not realize sweaty feet cause sweaty socks,that leads to blisters – and possibly a short soccer career!
Only a short, Twenty years ago, Many people did not use underarm deodorant! Now it is routine! If Everyone Knew More About How; Sweaty Hands, or Sweaty Feet Can Have A Profound Negative Effect On Their Ability to Compete at Their Highest Level, whether for Sports, Work, or Their favorite Endeavor! They Would All Spray Their Hands or Feet to control this annoying sweaty issue!